5 Tips to Turn Your New Year’s Resolution into a Lifestyle

The #1 resolution at the top of all the lists year after year is - you guessed it - getting healthier. There is something about a new year that feels like a fresh start and a time to look forward and set goals. But, if you’ve struggled before, quit before February, and are unsure you want to commit again, I want you to keep reading.

It has been almost 10 years since a New Year’s Resolution led me on a wellness journey that would change my life. I had just had my second child.

I was exhausted raising my daughter, I could not imagine how I was going to take care of both of them now. But, I had a deep, dark secret. I slept every day when my kids slept. It was not self care. I was drowning.

So, that January, I made the decision to start taking better care of myself, with the main goal of improving my energy. No changing the number on the scale, but to just feel better. I realized that in order to take care of them, I had to take care of me.

It started off good, particularly the first week. I was really mindful of what I was eating, since I decided I '“did not have time to exercise”. During the second week, I remember being really hungry. I was definitely not eating enough, but I was figuring it out. By the end of January, I was down only 3 pounds. “Only 3", you say? Remember, my goal was not to lose weight , but to feel better. I knew getting some of that off me would help, so I was excited. Either way, I was in this for the long haul. “Putting on my oxygen mask, so I could put on theirs.”

What started happening was amazing. I began to cook more, read ingredient labels, shop differently. I felt my relationship with food changing. It felt empowering. Which made me continue. Then, my pants got too big.

  1. Commit to the lifestyle. Figure out what your goal is, break it into mini goals and then COMMIT. You are in it for the long haul. You mess up? Oh well, you start again tomorrow. Not next week or next month or next year. Tomorrow.

  2. Stay off the scale. Instead, ask yourself: “how do I feel?” or “how do these pants fit?” Your weight will fluctuate and will end up frustrating you. In my opinion, it is not a good measure of your success thus far. If you must, only go on once a month. If you need help here, grab an accountability partner - someone who knows what you are doing and will check in on you.

  3. Build your kitchen and pantry for the life you want. Oreo cookies are indeed delicious. But, they are not improving how you feel, so you might have to keep them out of the house for a bit. If will power is a problem right (trust me, I get it), don’t buy it.

  4. With that said, when you want something, have it. Otherwise, it will be all you can think about. When you make a lifestyle change (instead of another diet), you allow yourself treats here and there. It is very liberating. For more, google ‘mindful eating’.

  5. Finally, treat your ‘treats’ like money in a bank account. You are allowed x number of withdrawals in a week. When you’ve hit that limit, you are done. Whether it’s the oreos, wine, or chocolate…..set a limit. Then, nothing is completely off limits. HOW LIBERATING IS THAT?

What’s my message here?

A Mom of 2 kids can feel good in her body. She is not a unicorn.

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